Along Arrow


Along the old trail. Pioneer sketches of Arrow Rock and vicinity by Rainey, Thomas Claiborne. from old catalog; Daughters of the American revolution.

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Style

ArrowStyle is a container class which defines severalarrowstyle classes, which is used to create an arrow path along agiven path. These are mainly used with FancyArrowPatch.

A arrowstyle object can be either created as:

  • 2 days ago  Biden calls on Senate to pursue impeachment along with the nation’s ‘other urgent business’ Key arrests so far from the Capitol riot Boy Scout from New Mexico dies camping in Colorado.
  • Emily Arrow teams up with her ukulele to sing PERFECT songs to sing along with. We LOVE to buy the books she wrote songs about and just let their important messages wash over us. THE SMALLEST GIFT OF CHRISTMAS, by Peter H. Reynolds, for example. But my favorite songs are the ones Emily Arrow writes herself, like Sing a Story on this album.
Arrows along path




The following classes are defined

CurveB->head_length=0.4, head_width=0.2
BracketB-[widthB=1.0, lengthB=0.2, angleB=None
CurveFilledB-|>head_length=0.4, head_width=0.2
CurveA<-head_length=0.4, head_width=0.2
CurveAB<->head_length=0.4, head_width=0.2
CurveFilledA<|-head_length=0.4, head_width=0.2
CurveFilledAB<|-|>head_length=0.4, head_width=0.2
BracketA]-widthA=1.0, lengthA=0.2, angleA=None
BracketAB]-[widthA=1.0, lengthA=0.2, angleA=None, widthB=1.0, lengthB=0.2, angleB=None
Fancyfancyhead_length=0.4, head_width=0.4, tail_width=0.4
Simplesimplehead_length=0.5, head_width=0.5, tail_width=0.2
Wedgewedgetail_width=0.3, shrink_factor=0.5
BarAB|-|widthA=1.0, angleA=None, widthB=1.0, angleB=None

An instance of any arrow style class is a callable object,whose call signature is:

and it returns a tuple of a Path instance and a booleanvalue. path is a Path instance along which the arrowwill be drawn. mutation_size and aspect_ratio have the samemeaning as in BoxStyle. linewidth is a line width to bestroked. This is meant to be used to correct the location of thehead so that it does not overshoot the destination point, but not allclasses support it.

return the instance of the subclass with the given style name.

class BarAB(widthA=1.0, angleA=None, widthB=1.0, angleB=None)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Bracket

An arrow with a bar(|) at both ends.

widthA:float, optional, default

Width of the bracket

angleA:float, optional, default

Angle between the bracket and the line

widthB:float, optional, default

Width of the bracket

angleB:float, optional, default

Angle between the bracket and the line

class BracketA(widthA=1.0, lengthA=0.2, angleA=None)[source]

A Long Narrow

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Bracket

An arrow with a bracket(]) at its end.

widthA:float, optional, default

Width of the bracket

lengthA:float, optional, default

Length of the bracket

angleA:float, optional, default

Angle between the bracket and the line

class BracketAB(widthA=1.0, lengthA=0.2, angleA=None, widthB=1.0, lengthB=0.2, angleB=None)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Bracket

An arrow with a bracket(]) at both ends.

widthA:float, optional, default

Width of the bracket

lengthA:float, optional, default

Length of the bracket

angleA:float, optional, default

Angle between the bracket and the line

widthB:float, optional, default

Width of the bracket

lengthB:float, optional, default

Length of the bracket

angleB:float, optional, default

Angle between the bracket and the line

Hunting Arrowheads Along The Ohio River

class BracketB(widthB=1.0, lengthB=0.2, angleB=None)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Bracket

An arrow with a bracket([) at its end.

widthB:float, optional, default

Width of the bracket

lengthB:float, optional, default

Length of the bracket

angleB:float, optional, default

Angle between the bracket and the line

class Curve[source]

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Curve

A simple curve without any arrow head.

class CurveA(head_length=0.4, head_width=0.2)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Curve

An arrow with a head at its begin point.

head_length:float, optional, default

Length of the arrow head

head_width:float, optional, default

Width of the arrow head

class CurveAB(head_length=0.4, head_width=0.2)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Curve

An arrow with heads both at the begin and the end point.

head_length:float, optional, default

Length of the arrow head

head_width:float, optional, default

Width of the arrow head

class CurveB(head_length=0.4, head_width=0.2)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Curve

An arrow with a head at its end point.

head_length:float, optional, default

Length of the arrow head

head_width:float, optional, default

Width of the arrow head

class CurveFilledA(head_length=0.4, head_width=0.2)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Curve

An arrow with filled triangle head at the begin.

head_length:float, optional, default

Length of the arrow head

head_width:float, optional, default

Width of the arrow head

class CurveFilledAB(head_length=0.4, head_width=0.2)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Curve

Along Arrow Tv Series

An arrow with filled triangle heads at both ends.

head_length:float, optional, default

Length of the arrow head

head_width:float, optional, default

Width of the arrow head

class CurveFilledB(head_length=0.4, head_width=0.2)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Curve

An arrow with filled triangle head at the end.

head_length:float, optional, default

Length of the arrow head

head_width:float, optional, default

Width of the arrow head

class Fancy(head_length=0.4, head_width=0.4, tail_width=0.4)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Base

A fancy arrow. Only works with a quadratic Bezier curve.

head_length:float, optional, default

Length of the arrow head

head_width:float, optional, default

Width of the arrow head

tail_width:float, optional, default

Width of the arrow tail

transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth)[source]

The transmute method is the very core of the ArrowStyle class andmust be overridden in the subclasses. It receives the path objectalong which the arrow will be drawn, and the mutation_size, withwhich the arrow head etc. will be scaled. The linewidth may beused to adjust the path so that it does not pass beyond the givenpoints. It returns a tuple of a Path instance and a boolean. Theboolean value indicate whether the path can be filled or not. Thereturn value can also be a list of paths and list of booleans of asame length.

class Simple(head_length=0.5, head_width=0.5, tail_width=0.2)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Base

A simple arrow. Only works with a quadratic Bezier curve.

head_length:float, optional, default

Length of the arrow head

head_width:float, optional, default

Width of the arrow head

tail_width:float, optional, default

Width of the arrow tail

transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth)[source]

The transmute method is the very core of the ArrowStyle class andmust be overridden in the subclasses. It receives the path objectalong which the arrow will be drawn, and the mutation_size, withwhich the arrow head etc. will be scaled. The linewidth may beused to adjust the path so that it does not pass beyond the givenpoints. It returns a tuple of a Path instance and a boolean. Theboolean value indicate whether the path can be filled or not. Thereturn value can also be a list of paths and list of booleans of asame length.

class Wedge(tail_width=0.3, shrink_factor=0.5)[source]

Bases: matplotlib.patches._Base

Wedge(?) shape. Only works with a quadratic Bezier curve. Thebegin point has a width of the tail_width and the end point has awidth of 0. At the middle, the width is shrink_factor*tail_width.

tail_width:float, optional, default

Width of the tail

shrink_factor:float, optional, default

Fraction of the arrow width at the middle point

transmute(self, path, mutation_size, linewidth)[source]

The transmute method is the very core of the ArrowStyle class andmust be overridden in the subclasses. It receives the path objectalong which the arrow will be drawn, and the mutation_size, withwhich the arrow head etc. will be scaled. The linewidth may beused to adjust the path so that it does not pass beyond the givenpoints. It returns a tuple of a Path instance and a boolean. Theboolean value indicate whether the path can be filled or not. Thereturn value can also be a list of paths and list of booleans of asame length.

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The body of a Nakusp man who went missing in August 2019 has been found.

RCMP say the remains of Christopher Sanford were found along the west shore of the Upper Arrow Lakes near Needles on Saturday, October 10.

Police say a couple walking along the shoreline near the Needles North Road made the discovery and contacted police. Nakusp RCMP and the BC Coroners Service attended to examine the scene and recover the remains.

Investigators have since positively identified the remains as 35-year-old Christopher Sanford, who was reported as a missing person to the Nakusp RCMP on August 5, 2019. Sanford’s GMC S-15 pickup truck had been located abandoned, in nearby Fauquier, shortly after his disappearance.

An extensive search of the area surrounding the abandoned pickup truck was conducted. The ground search was supported by local Search and Rescue personnel and an RCMP canine team. Boats were utilized to search nearby waterways and an RCMP aircraft was brought in to scour the area from the skies above, but no sign of the man was found.

“Sanford’s family has since been notified of the latest developments in this investigation,” said S/Sgt. Scott Aschenbrenner, Unit Commander of the Southeast District Major Crime Unit. “At this time the focus of the RCMP investigation will be to determine whether or not criminality was involved in Mr. Sanford’s death.”

The BC Coroners Service is conducting an independent and concurrent parallel fact-finding investigation.

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