I am completely destroying PVP. I completely destroy every single dk as a ww monk, most of the time with full hp. The same can be done by any average sub, ret, mm and feral. Something harder task against dk will have casters and MAYBE arms, syrvival, enh, havoc and assa. Even trash pvp spec like fury will destroy you simply bcz of healing. The third generation of Death Knights (you're a 3rd generation) were essentially stripped of their lives and then sequentially tortured by Arthas. You have had all 'warm' emotions beaten out of you. When you leave from speaking with Darrion he will sometimes say 'Suffer well'. Key in on those words.
This guide was produced with:
- 10+ Rank 1
- Finalist of the 2018 AWC Summer finals
- Competed at the 2018 Blizzcon world championships
Best race:
Human is the best option for ladder play as you get to use Relentless against heavy crowd control compositions while still having Every Man for Himself to break out of stuns
Alternative race:
Gnome is a strong alternative, especially against mages and survival hunters for the root break – the added 1% haste and the extra resource cap also help to slightly increase your overall damage
Best race:
Orc is easily the best pick as you’ll get the stun reduction from Hardiness while still being able to play with Gladiator’s Medallion – you also get a nice damage boost from Blood Fury
Breath of Sindragosa can be used in melee cleave mirrors to increase your damage in stuns and should be combined with Empower Rune Weapon while at 100 runic power to increase the amount of damage it deals
- Chill Streak should always be taken and only used in kill attempts where targets are stacked
- Delirium has excellent synergy with Heartstop Aura and can make it very easy to train down a target by limiting their mobility
- Deathchill is a good pick when playing against a melee for the added control
- Transfusion should be considered when facing melee cleaves or if you’re simply struggling to keep yourself alive
- Lichborne is a great pick when you expect to be trained by targets that will frequently stun you or to keep yourself out of Fear and Psychic Scream against warlocks and priests
- Anti-Magic Zone is an extremely powerful defensive cooldown that should be used to counter strong offensive cooldowns from classes that primarily deal spell damage, for example destruction warlocks Dark Soul, fire mages Combustion, assassination rogues Vendetta and ret paladins Avenging Wrath
- Dark Simulacrum can be an extremely high impact ability when facing warlocks, mages and druids to steal and use important crowd control on the opposing team
- Conflict and Strife – excellent choice for your major essence as it gives you Chill Streak, allowing you to pick up an all important fourth PvP talent while also increasing your versatility, making it easier for you to survive
- Breath of the Dying – can be used if you don’t need an additional PvP talent, for example when facing a melee cleave like TSG
BiS vs. melee cleaves
- 3x Frozen Tempest
- 2x Echoing Howl
- 1x Frostwhelp’s Indignation
BiS vs. non-melee cleaves
- 3x Frozen Tempest
- 3x Frostwhelp’s Indignation
- Gushing Wound – excellent choice to increase your damage for very little corruption
- Versatile – best choice for the passive increase to one of your favored stats
- Surging Vitality – alternate pick to proc one of your best stats
- Corrupted Gladiator’s Spite – should be taken to all 3s games and played around with your grip and disorient
- Writhing Segment of Drest’agath – great offensive option that allows you to instantly burst down your target to force cooldowns or score kills
- Vial of Animated Blood – incredibly strong trinket with a short cooldown
- Corrupted Gladiator’s Badge/Corrupted Gladiator’s Medallion/Remote Guidance Device – alternate picks that can be used to increase your damage during kill attempts
- Corrupted Gladiator’s Insignia – decent pick that provides a large amount of versatility and a high up time of the strength proc
- Corrupted Gladiator’s Emblem – can be taken over your other options if you’re struggling to live and need an extra defensive cooldown
Mastery > Versatility > Crit > Haste
#showtooltip Mind Freeze
/cast [@focus] Mind Freeze
#showtooltip Death Grip
/cast [@focus] Death Grip
#showtooltip Asphyxiate
/cast [@focus] Asphyxiate
#showtooltip Chains of Ice
/cast [@focus] Chains of Ice
Death Knight Pvp For All Of Your Needs Child
#showtooltip Lichborne
/cancelaura Lichborne