Java Uninstall Old Versions Toolcapeselfie


If you are using windows you can directly uninstall and install the older version. Note: we can use multiple versions in a system by changing the system or user environment variable to use some version as my current java version make or put the path as followed it should be pasted first in path. C:Program FilesJavajdk1.7.012bin. Information about the Java Uninstall Tool for Windows The Java Uninstall tool helps you improve your computer security by simplifying the process of finding and uninstalling versions of Java. The Uninstall tool shows you a list of the Java versions on your computer and then allows you to select which versions.

With upcoming changes to Java it may be necessary to revert back to an older version in order to continue using the streamer's Web Start Installer without issue. In order to complete this task the first step will be to remove your current Java version, then follow our link to download an older version. The steps below will outline this:

- Click your Windows Icon (bottom left on your screen) to open the Start Menu, depending on your Windows version the Control Panel will be in a different place. The images below show how you can search within Windows 10, and also the location within Windows 7.

Windows 10

Windows 7

- Within Control Panel, select Install/Uninstall a Program


- You can choose to order this list alphabetically by clicking the Name Bar. Locate Java on this list and select Uninstall (Note: You may have multiple versions, if so, please contact our Support Department for assistance on which version to remove)

- The following window (or something similar) should appear, proceed by clicking Yes to remove Java. Please disregard the version number below, these images are for example purposes only.

- Windows should then being the Uninstall Process. You will see a window with a green bar appear, similar to below:

- Check your Program Files folder and ensure that Java is no longer present, you will notice Java is no longer present within the Uninstall or Change a program list from one of our previous steps (Start Menu > Computer ? (C:) Drive > Program Files)

- Following this link to Java 8u172 and select the Java SE Runtime Environment 8u172 (Note: x86 = 32-bit), we find that this works best with the Web Start Installer for the streamer. You will need to click Accept License Agreement (shown below in red)

- You may need to create an Oracle Account, this is a relatively short and simple process.

- An .exe (Executable) file will be downloaded, you will need to locate and open this file. If you use Google Chrome, the downloads bar is along the bottom of the Web Browser, Mozilla Firefox downloads are along the to the right hand side of the screen (see image). Click on the file to open

- This warning may appear, please click Run

- The Download should now begin, the following Window will appear and the green bar will start to load

- Java 8u172 is now installed on your Computer, you can confirm this on the Java Control Panel. Search: Java > Configure Java > General > About

Java Uninstall Old Versions Command Line

- If you have any queries or run into any difficulty please contact our Support Department on 1877-367-5970 on via email

Uninstall Old Versions Of Java

Java Uninstall Old Versions

Java Uninstall All Versions