Display Multimedia Itemsvideopsalm


  • HTML Tutorial
  1. Display Multimedia Items Video Psalm 103
  2. Display Multimedia Items Video Psalm 7
  3. Display Multimedia Items Video Psalm 91
  • HTML References
  • HTML Resources

Click on the following links. Please note these will open in a new window.Why Statistics? In this video from the Fifth Edition of the SPSS-version of your book, Neil Salkind gives tips for a student’s journey through a statistics course.A Five-Minute History of StatisticsWhat Are Descriptive Statistics. Sometimes you need to add music or video into your web page. The easiest way to add video or sound to your web site is to include the special HTML tag called.This tag causes the browser itself to include controls for the multimedia automatically provided browser supports tag and given media type. See full list on developer.mozilla.org. I have a video file playing in a media element. I need to keep it playing, thus I tried: me.play; me.MediaEnded += new RoutedEventHandler(meMediaEnded); With this event method: //loop to keep.

  • Selected Reading

Sometimes you need to add music or video into your web page. The easiest way to add video or sound to your web site is to include the special HTML tag called <embed>. This tag causes the browser itself to include controls for the multimedia automatically provided browser supports <embed> tag and given media type.

You can also include a <noembed> tag for the browsers which don't recognize the <embed> tag. You could, for example, use <embed> to display a movie of your choice, and <noembed> to display a single JPG image if browser does not support <embed> tag.


Here is a simple example to play an embedded midi file −

The <embed> Tag Attributes

Following is the list of important attributes which can be used with <embed> tag.

Note −The align and autostart attributes deprecated in HTML5. Do not use these attributes.

Sr.NoAttribute & Description


Determines how to align the object. It can be set to either center, left or right.



This boolean attribute indicates if the media should start automatically. You can set it either true or false.



Specifies if the sound should be played continuously (set loop to true), a certain number of times (a positive value) or not at all (false)



Specifies the number of times to play the sound. This is alternate option for loop if you are usiong IE.



Specifies if the multimedia object should be shown on the page. A false value means no and true values means yes.



Width of the object in pixels



Height of the object in pixels



A name used to reference the object.



URL of the object to be embedded.



Controls volume of the sound. Can be from 0 (off) to 100 (full volume).

Supported Video Types

You can use various media types like Flash movies (.swf), AVI's (.avi), and MOV's (.mov) file types inside embed tag.

  • .swf files − are the file types created by Macromedia's Flash program.

  • .wmv files − are Microsoft's Window's Media Video file types.

  • .mov files − are Apple's Quick Time Movie format.

  • .mpeg files − are movie files created by the Moving Pictures Expert Group.

This will produce the following result −

Background Audio

You can use HTML <bgsound> tag to play a soundtrack in the background of your webpage. This tag is supported by Internet Explorer only and most of the other browsers ignore this tag. It downloads and plays an audio file when the host document is first downloaded by the user and displayed. The background sound file also will replay whenever the user refreshes the browser.

Note − The bgsound tag is deprecated and it is supposed to be removed in a future version of HTML. So they should not be used rather, it's suggested to use HTML5 tag audio for adding sound. But still for learning purpose, this chapter will explain bgsound tag in detail.

This tag is having only two attributes loop and src. Both these attributes have same meaning as explained above.

Here is a simple example to play a small midi file −

This will produce the blank screen. This tag does not display any component and remains hidden.

Internet Explorer can also handle only three different sound format files − wav, the native format for PCs; au, the native format for most Unix workstations; and MIDI, a universal music-encoding scheme.

HTML Object tag

HTML 4 introduces the <object> element, which offers an all-purpose solution to generic object inclusion. The <object> element allows HTML authors to specify everything required by an object for its presentation by a user agent.

Here are a few examples −

Example - 1

You can embed an HTML document in an HTML document itself as follows −

Here alt attribute will come into picture if browser does not support object tag.

Example - 2

Display multimedia items video psalm 119

You can embed a PDF document in an HTML document as follows −

Example - 3

You can specify some parameters related to the document with the <param> tag. Here is an example to embed a wav file −

Example - 4

You can add a flash document as follows −

Example - 5

You can add a java applet into HTML document as follows −

The classid attribute identifies which version of Java Plug-in to use. You can use the optional codebase attribute to specify if and how to download the JRE.

Display Multimedia Items Video Psalm 103

Write video frames and audio samples to multimedia file





The To Multimedia File block writes video frames, audio samples, or both to a multimedia (.avi, .wav, .mj2, .mp4, or .m4v) file.

You can compress the video frames or audio samples by selectinga compression algorithm. You can connect as many of the input portsas you want. Therefore, you can control the type of video and/or audiothe multimedia file receives.


This block supports code generation for platforms that have file I/O available. You cannot use this block with Simulink® Desktop Real-Time™ software, because that product does not support file I/O.

This block performs best on platforms with Version 11 or later of Windows Media® Player software. This block supports only uncompressed RGB24 AVI files on Linux® and Mac platforms.

The generated code for this block relies on prebuilt libraryfiles. You can run this code outside the MATLAB® environment,or redeploy it, but be sure to account for these extra library fileswhen doing so. The packNGo function creates a single zip file containingall of the pieces required to run or rebuild this code. See packNGo (Simulink Coder) for more information.

To run an executable file that was generated from a model containingthis block, you may need to add precompiled shared library files toyour system path. See Simulink Coder, Simulink Shared Library Dependencies, and Accelerating Simulink Models fordetails.




M-by-N-by-3matrix RGB, Intensity, or YCbCr 4:2:2 signal.

R, G, B

Matrix that represents one plane of the RGB video stream.Inputs to the R, G, or B port must have the same dimensions and datatype.


Vector of audio data

Y, Cb, Cr

Matrix that represents one frame of the YCbCr video stream.The Y, Cb, and Cr ports use the following dimensions:

Y: M x N
Cb: M xN2
Cr: M xN2



Specify the name of the multimedia file. The block saves thefile in your current folder. To specify a different file or location,click the button.


Specify the file type of the multimedia file. You can select avi or wav.


Specify whether the block writes video frames, audio samples,or both to the multimedia file. You can select Videoand audio, Video only, or Audioonly.


Quality of the video, specified as an integer scalar in the range [0 100]. This parameter applies only when you set File name to MPEG4 and Write to Video only. By default, this parameter is set to 75.

CompressionFactor (>1)

Specify the compression factor as an integer scalar greaterthan 1. This parameter is applicable only whenthe File type is set to MJ2000 and Videocompressor is set to Lossy.By default, this parameter is set to 10.

Audio compressor

Select the type of compression algorithm to use to compressthe audio data. This compression reduces the size of the multimediafile. Choose None (uncompressed) to saveuncompressed audio data to the multimedia file.


The other items available in this parameter list are the audiocompression algorithms installed on your system. For information abouta specific audio compressor, see the documentation for that compressor.

Audiodata type

Select the audio data type. You can use the Audiodata type parameter only for uncompressed wave files.

Video compressor

Select the type of compression algorithm to use to compressthe video data. This compression reduces the size of the multimediafile. Choose None (uncompressed) to saveuncompressed video data to the multimedia file.


Display Multimedia Items Video Psalm 7

The other items available in this parameter list are the videocompression algorithms installed on your system. For information abouta specific video compressor, see the documentation for that compressor.

Filecolor format

Select the color format of the data stored in the file. Youcan select either RGB or YCbCr4:2:2.


Specify how the block accepts a color video signal. If you select One multidimensional signal, the block accepts an M-by-N-by-P color video signal, where P is the number of color planes, at one port. If you select Separate color signals, additional ports appear on the block. Each port accepts one M-by-N plane of an RGB video stream.

Supported Data Types

For the block to display video data properly, double- and single-precisionfloating-point pixel values must be between 0 and 1.Any other data type requires the pixel values between the minimumand maximum values supported by their data type.

Check the specific codecs you are using for supported audiorates.

PortSupported Data TypesSupports Complex Values?


  • Double-precision floating point

  • Single-precision floating point

  • Boolean

  • 8-, 16- 32-bit signed integers

  • 8-, 16- 32-bit unsigned integers


R, G, B

Same as Image port



  • Double-precision floating point

  • Single-precision floating point

  • 16-bit signed integers

  • 32-bit signed integers

  • 8-bit unsigned integers


Y, Cb, Cr

Same as Image port


See Also

Extended Capabilities

Display Multimedia Items Video Psalm 91

Usage notes and limitations:

  • Host computer only. Excludes Simulink Desktop Real-Time code generation.

  • The executable generated from this block relies on prebuilt dynamic library files (.dll files) included with MATLAB. Use the packNGo function to package the code generated from this block and all the relevant files in a compressed zip file. Using this zip file, you can relocate, unpack, and rebuild your project in another development environment where MATLAB is not installed. For more details, see Code Generation, GPU, and Third-Party Support .