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There are many types of bankruptcy, but only two types that most Mississippi residents would be interested in.

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Chapter 7 is what people refer to as total bankruptcy, liquidation or complete bankruptcy. Where a Chapter 13 proposes a plan to repay your creditors over set period of months, Chapter 7 wipes out or discharges your debts right away without any payment and gives you a clean slate.

  1. AIAA is the world’s largest aerospace technical society. With nearly 30,000 individual members from 85 countries, and 95 corporate members, AIAA brings together industry, academia, and government to advance engineering and science in aviation, space, and defense.
  2. Chapter 7 bankruptcy, commonly called straight bankruptcy, comprises about 80 percent of the consumer filings. The most drastic method of settling financial problems, it involves liquidating, or selling, the debtor's non-exempt property and possessions and distributing the proceeds to the creditors.

The Chapter 7 will still allow you to keep your house and vehicles. The unsecured creditors such as credit cards and medical bills are totally wiped out, discharged, and can never be collected from you. There is nothing deducted from your paycheck and you are responsible for continuing to make the monthly payments on the house, car and truck and any other property you intend to keep.

Mike is a Gulf Coast native and has served as an Air Force reservist at Keesler Air Force Base since 2007. He focuses his practice primarily on bankruptcy and consumer litigation. He is dedicated to helping people in South Mississippi overcome financial hardships.

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This gives you an immediate fresh start and still allows you to continue to pay the debts you decide to keep.

Chapter 7 (af)ms. Ma

Chapter 7 bankruptcy is ideal for a Mississippi family that can maintain the house and car payments once the burden of credit cards, medical bills and other debts is removed. An individual or married couple can file Chapter 7.

Mississippi residents that are interested in exploring bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy options can contact us for a free consultation at 601.948.1600.

Purchase cards make it easy for you to buy the things you need for your agency. All Schedule contractors are required to accept the government purchase card for purchases up to the micro-purchase threshold and encouraged to do so for purchases over it.

GSA makes buying with the purchase card easy and efficient, utilizing modern tools to help facilitate market research and connect you instantly with contractors that can meet your need.

Ordering from Schedules

Chapter 7 (af)ms. Ma's Website Store

Purchases Below the Micro-purchase ThresholdPurchases Between the Micro-purchase Threshold and the Simplified Acquisition Threshold Purchases Over the Simplified Acquisition Threshold
  • Buyers may place orders at, or below, the micro-purchase threshold with any Schedule contractor that can meet your agency’s needs. Although not required to solicit from a specific number of schedule contractors, buyers should attempt to distribute orders among contractors.
  • You may place orders directly with the supplier via email, phone, or GSA Advantage.

Minimum Order Quantity - Purchases on Schedule, in general, are free on board (FOB) destination. In order to support FOB destination and include shipping prices in the prices of the goods, some products do have a set minimum order quantity. This quantity varies by Schedule and is noted in GSA Advantage.

While most orders issued using the purchase card will be under the micro-purchase level, purchase card holders may have a spending limit above the micro-purchase threshold. In fact, FAR 13.301 states that purchase cards shouldn’t be limited to micro-purchases.

Streamlined ordering procedures let you reasonably consider available information about the supply or service offered under MAS contracts and execute a purchase. Reasonable review of items means:

  • Survey at least three schedule contractors through the GSA Advantage website, or
  • Review the price-lists of at least three schedule contractors, or
  • Request quotations from at least three schedule contractors , and
  • Place the order with the schedule contractor that can provide the supply or service that represents best value.
  • Document your decision.

As always, you are encouraged to ask for additional discounts.

  • Place orders on a competitive basis (and if you can’t, justify why in accordance with FAR 8.405-6).
  • Follow ordering procedures in FAR 8.405 by sending a Request for Quote (RFQ) through eBuy or providing your RFQ to as many suppliers as practicable to ensure you receive quotes from 3 Schedule contractors.
  • Make a best-value determination based on the selection criteria described in the RFQ.
  • Document your decision.

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Resources and Tools

Use these acquisition eTools to help simplify ordering under Schedules:

  • SmartPay - Detailed information for purchase card holders